Saturday, January 26, 2008



There was a time in my life when I asked my father about his course. I was in deep curiosity. My dad answered he was an Architect- this is the one who designs and make almost infrastructures all over the world. I also asked my mother about hers- she then answered a Pharmacist. The one who guides people who are in need with medicines. That was their work. The workers in the family. This was relevant when our teacher decided to ask me what is my course. In confusion, I answered Architect. This goes with the phrase: “When I grow up, I wanted to be an Architect”, in my childhood memories I knew what is the meaning of work. The passion of workers to work hard for their children. That is work, I thought. . .
On one side, I wanted to be a worker also. Experience difficulty. Proving that one must work hard in order to attain a bright future. A stable living when I plan to have a family on my own. Perhaps the true test of man’s being is on how he survives and faces troubles consequently.
In the poem “Two Different Workers” by MDN it conveys that there are two kinds of people in this planet, two kinds of people he met. One who sees work as a happiness and the one who sees it as an irrelevant one. The former finds mirth in what he does. Works quietly and enjoy every second of his life. The latter complains and counts on what he gains. The first accomplishes tasks concretely and even ask if there are work to be done. And the other gives up. In the end the successful will grow far more successful from the other. That is life, it is on what we decision you will make that you could face the possible consequences.
Many people wish they do not have to work, or that work can be easier or shorter and free time longer. Some even see work as a punishment or a curse. Is there a truth to this view?
Manual labour (or manual labor) is physical work done with the hands, especially in an unskilled job such as fruit and vegetable picking, road building, or any other field where the work may be considered physically arduous, and which has as a profitable objective, usually the production of goods.
Many people wish they do not have to work, or that work can be easier or shorter and free time longer. Some even see work as a punishment or a curse. Is there a truth to this view?
If you will look around, you will definitely recognize that everything is a fruit of work and in each fruit, you will see the human effort put into it. All the things that you are using and enjoying now, the tools you make your life easier and more comfortable are all products of someone’s work.
Although work is seen and taken negatively, it gives us a lot of things. Work gives us a chance to satisfy hunger and thirst; it shelters us and makes human life possible. But aside from simply sustaining life and properly satisfying its needs, work is also important for the full development of our personality, for perfecting our nature. Our own worth as a person is reflected in our work like a mirror. This is so because when we work, our gifts and talents are revealed to us and are consequently developed. When we work, we put our mind, feeling, will and physical powers in it. Thus, when we work, it is we who benefit the most not only because we get material things out of it., but more so because work shapes and develops our mind, will, physical skills, feelings and even our moral virtues and character. So, we are actually the first ones to gather the fruits of our labor.
However, work is not only a personal matter. It is also a social force, because work unites and gives us the chance to be in contact with one another. When we work with others, we bind ourselves with them. This gives the idea of an idle and lazy person is usually an isolated person. Most of the tasks we need to perform can only be done with the help of others. Although some tasks can be done alone, we can only get the best results when we are aided by other people. The social character of work can also be seen when we use work to serve others. Working is not only a means to meet our needs; it is also a means of helping others meet theirs. Everyone has some degree of inadequacy and insufficiency that is why others need us as mush as we need them to give them what they lack.
Pensive effect was on me when I read the poem about our workers. I cannot imagine what will Philippines be in the future generation when one chooses that other side of worker. You know, everyone of us needs living. One should work for the family in order to have a living. “No work is a wasted effort. All the things that one puts into work sow for his/her knowledge and experience which he/she can reap even if work itself is a failure. It is happy to say when one chooses to work despite of downfalls. At least, in his sweat, there came the beaks of his family. He will be the one who will give the best that life could have. I salute them. They neglect showing that they’re tired of this, of that. But they work without complaining and having a negative side out of it. On the other hand, I feared Filipinos will fall on the black side of life that is not to work. If this will happen, the family will be in hunger and thirst. The country will lose its productive capacity. More importantly, a large number of Filipinos will die and suffer. I feel frustration that one will likely choose this as a matter of play. Work is therefore everyone’s duty. This duty arises from the very needs of a person to sustain his/her life for his/her perfection. That work is a duty requires everyone to engage in it and anyone who engages in it should not work just for the sake of working or doing one’s duty. He/she should keep in mind the certain rules to ensure the success and good results of his/her work. A person who works should keep up to it to produce the best results.
Work is something you do for yourself and others. Work is what answers our livelihood. Work is doing anything and everything. Work is not a burden. When you plan to have a family, you should think twice. Remember its consequences. Work will be the prime aspect when you create your own family. Working hard without complaining is one, when you’re dedicated to your future dreams, you should work hard for it because not all things are made to be easy. It has its twists and turns. Like for example you are a non-permanent worker and you married a penniless wife, being a husband, you should work hard for it because there is a commitment. You decide to establish a family. And it requires more work, without complaining. When you knew it is too hard, why did you marry in the first place? It is just unsoothing to say that there is famine, hunger and thirst. When we work, we should put into our mind the benefit of enduring the pain. At least, when we know that this harvest is a success, we can enjoy triumphs and victories. Work is enjoying the hardships that God made. Why will God grant this to us when He knows it is too irrelevant. Therefore work is not a weight of grief.
Great effect was on me when I read the poem “Two Different Workers”, I imagined to take risks, like working for my own family, feeding their needs and wants. It seems a real challenge to me to feed many beaks with my bare hands. When I decided to marry, there was a choice that is give: to take it or to leave it.
When you establish a family this means that you planned the future of your family. You decided to have children because of an unexplainable feeling when you are a father or a mother. As the head of the family, you should work out for it. There goes the real challenge for you to supply the crisis of the family. You applied for a job because you are in need of money. You neglect to complain because you have bright plans for the future family. That you know when the time comes you’ve granted your dreams, it will come to a word “I did it because of Work”. On one side, when you decided to have a family but needless to work or complains? It may be unusual because the family will suffer and when time comes that you experience drought it may lead to death. The decision of the couple is nothing. Clearly, this topic brought me a great depression as well as happiness. I feel depress because not only father but also the mother neglect to work. They lead their children to death because of their wrong decision, they give their children in assurance. At the same time I feel happy because almost 70% of the family chooses to work and give their children a bright success. They knew that when they accomplish their duty, their children, in a sense, will accomplish their duty for their parents.
The specific part that is needed to be improved here is doing the job without complaining. A person who is working should not look for things to complain about instead he/she should find joy in what he/she does. A sad and complaining worker tires easily and works slowly. The burden of work is doubled if the task is performed with a heavy heart. So instead of being sad about the idea of working, be grateful for the opportunity of doing something and earning from it.
The strengths here are gaining success. By the time we did our duty the success will follow. It is like fixing a puzzle. First you organize all. You decide to work hard. Then you arrange and match its image. You do your job concretely without complaining. Doing work in a way of puzzling your problems. Lastly, you form the puzzle in its place and produces a good image. When you did it until you finished the primary needs of family. You produce a complete puzzle of happiness because you ordered to survive or meet the crisis of life and put all things in its proper place.
I interviewed critics with regards to their reaction of doing work with a smile and doing work but complaining. If he could survive when he chooses one of these. They simply said, it depends on your perception. Your soul. With which you confirm your decisions. If one chooses to work with joy. It’s his/her decision. This affect the duty he has done. It will likely increase his/her salary and in not time will be promoted. He’s happy with it and continues his duty without a fuss. When one chooses to work but complains-it means you are not ready to take the risk. You count on it. It may be a real danger for you when you’re fired. It means that you chose not to work. It is on how one thinks on their decision. Yes, I affirm to their statements because it is by working to gain success. To survive life’s struggle and life’s battle.
The values I’ve learned in this topic are learning to think twice. Perhaps this is the very fine way why we succeed. When you learn to think twice, you think for the better not for the worst. Thinking twice is needed when you decide to complain when working. There should be “what if’s”. You should think of its possible consequences. Be sure that when you decide, only you will not benefit but all. I learned that no profession or job is easy. A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. Those who refuse to be industrious will one day wake up and find themselves wallowing in poverty. This means that we need to work hard for it. If you’re diligent enough, it will lead to triumphs like I said. And when you refuse, surely, you’ll suffer in the end. Trials are made to test us if we could survive. We should not give up but instead give the best that we can be. What now if it’s difficult, at least when you survive this, you’ll benefit the fruit of your work.
The values I learned in this poem are necessary for my total development because it helps me determine the right from wrong, relevant from irrelevant. I can survive trials because I believe and trust in all the values I’ve learned. Standing firmly and facing everything means you have applied all the values in its proper place.
The general idea of my topic is choosing to work or choosing to complain. Work is the utilization of a person’s God-given talents. The ultimate value of work, then, is rooted in the fact that its doer is a human being who uses his/her intellect, free will, abilities and talents in performing his work. Not only do we use our God-given talents, we also harness them through the work we engage in. Work is also important for the physical subsistence of a person. It is through the wages one earns money by working that he/she gets to satisfy his/her basic needs for survival. We don’t consider work as a curse or a bitter necessity. We consider it as a human function, as a basis of human being, and ought to be free and creative. Men ought to be proud of it.
The main point of my topic is related to the present situation of the Philippines because there are some that chooses to work for survival and with which some need not and complains about. There are some departments that offers job for the Filipinos like the Department of Labor and Unemployment. But it depends on how people work. One needs perseverance to produce good results. Department Of Labor and Unemployment is just an agency which helps Filipinos find job and reduce the rate of unemployment. Considering the fact that if one will apply, he is ready to face the hardships in take of a better life he once dreamed of.
The general result of my analysis is choosing. When you choose the best between them, you will likely or will not survive when you have passion and perseverance, it depends on your “diskarte”. In today’s generation, you should work hard because of the crisis each family are facing. It’s like planting a plant and feeding it without hesitation and when time comes that it will reach its productive capacity, it will bloom and produce fruits. The fruit of labor.
Work is something you do for yourself and others. When you work, you do not develop things for the society but for yourself. You develop your faculties and resources. Regardless of your status in life, you must work and be a productive member of the society. This requires the wise use of resources and the commitment to produce something of good quality.
Work is any activity, intellectual, or manual, that a person does to earn a living. Among God’s creation it is the human being who works all his/her life. Through work, a person contributes, through his/her talent, skills and abilities, to the advancement of arts, sciences, and technology. Moreover, through work a person contributes to the continuous development of cultural and moral foundations of the society where he/she belongs. Work carries with it the symbol of a person living harmoniously with a community of people. It also defines the dignity of human being and that of the society.
Punsalan, Twila Gaerlan., et al., Values Education for Filipinos and Salesiana Publishers, Incorporation, Makati City, Philippines
Two Different Workers
There are two kinds of people on earth.
Two kinds of people I’ve met.
One who loves to work best
And one who loves to rest
The first find joy in what he does
And works quietly without a fuss
The second works and then complains
Because he knows not what he gains.
One works until the task is through
He even asks, “Is there more work to do?”
The other gives up on work easily
Give him work, he’ll say “I’m not ready.”
Who do you think shall gain success?
Whose life will be a great mess?
Who is ready for life’s struggle?
Who will lose in life’s battle?
“The Bible”

“It is commanded to me by the word of the Lord-1 Kings 13:9”

When I was a child, I wandered what Bible was all about, what is its purposes, its importance. It then came to a point where I asked my mother what was Bible. The Bible she said, is a Holy Book. That was her statement. In search for a better answer within my curiosity, I then had some answers. This was when I entered Baptist Center Church Learning Center. There are sessions or subjects that talks about the Bible. Bible is God’s Book. I was amazed with which I learned from the discussion, “In the Beginning”, this connects me to a movie of the creation of the world. That was when I learned to read a Bible and felt a great enthusiasm.
God’s word is superior to anyone else’s word and therefore should be obeyed. When we’re tempted to buckle under pressure, it’s then that we must stand firm. God’s Word-the truth-can always relied on.
In the story “The Soldier Who Didn’t have a Bible”, conveys a soldier who didn’t have Bible. Soldiers carries Bible to a Sunday service. But one of these soldiers brought along a deck of cards. He was then brought to court for desecrating the Lord’s house. But he explained that the deck of cards was his prayer. There are ten cards, King, Queen, three hundred sixty five spots, fifty-two cards, thirteen tricks, four suits, and twelve pictures that reminds him of the Bible. This deck of cards was not only bible nor his testament, but also his Prayer Book.
Is there an issue if you take a substitute to the bible that God has given us?
In 1991, actress Julia Roberts, was asked what object she valued most. “I have a letter from my Daddy”, she replied, “the only letter that I managed not to lose as a child. If anybody ever took that away from me, I would just be destroyed. It doesn’t mean anything to anybody else, yet I can read that letter ten times a day, and it moves me in different way every time.”
Is there an issue if you take a substitute to the bible that God has given us?
The Word of God stirs the heart when it enters the believer’s ear. So whatever version you’re reading in your quiet time, in family devotions, or in a church service remember the power of the Spoken Word. Look for opportunities to read it aloud.
Bible is the book of Christianity, an authoritative book. God’s book was given to us so that we can learn something more important. God permits us to be what we want to be. No matter what kind of material things that you value most that is substituted, it is by your decision. What matters most is the Word of God. When you put into your heart the teachings of our Saviour, it is worshipping the Lord. As long as you’re connected to Him. You and God. One may see others doing this as a sign of foolishness. Well, that’s what they want it to be, just to be in touch with the Lord. With the deck of cards he remembers individually the contents of the Bible, this is what he believes. That is what connects the soldier to the Mighty Creator. No matter what you do or you take a substitute with, only that matters is how well you remember the Teachings of the Lord. You may do so, as long as your comfortable. Although there’s a big distinction, it is on how you manage to believe and trust God. This is what God wants. A devotion and most importantly, the believer.
Pensive effect was on me when I read the story of the Soldier who didn’t have a Bible. There are some who judge you on the outside without knowing the real you. It’s like judging the book by its cover. The judge you without care, not realizing what consequence it may be. Some people just don’t know how to judge. Even if there’s just a speck, they continue to enlarge it. Who cares if you do have a deck of cards just to worship God. All that matters most is on how great faith do you boost in every chance you are with God. It is just offending to say that some Christians are so judgmental. Being a Christian. You must be contented. It is the Word of God. And to those devoted Christians, you should know this.
Great feelings was on me, guilt is one when I read the story. If only I was in that position. I will be embarrassed to what they’ve consider me. It is just unsoothing to say that contentness is the one that makes people a great prejudice. What now when I substitute a deck of cards just to have faith with the Lord? This isn’t a measure on your holiness. If you worship God through a card or through the Bible. God will look unto you as an equal worshipers. It is your faith.
The specific parts that is needed to be improve here is judging an innocent person. We cannot judge a person directly because he did this, that. It is determining the real you. Being judged by someone is somewhat a pain to carry. Well, you can judge others for the sake of changing, because of unusual behavior or what. Not to an extent of abusing it. Too much abuse results to revelry.
The strengths here are having more faith and trust in God. When you have faith, you are connected with God. You adore Him. Despite of tragedies, you pray because you know He’s the Savior. Trust- you know that you are true to yourself as well as with God. You trust Him and give the best that you can do. You devote yourself to His arms and in His hands you are safe. The other is courage, you could develop courage, you are true t[o your will. You learn to fight with your own rights. That is when you believe in God.
I interviewed some critics with regards to their reaction to their faith in God. You can use all you want as long as it benefits you. There’s a so-called mutualism. If he is comfortable to use a deck of cards to learn the teachings of Bible, that is his decision, he is comfortable with that. What is the use if you force that person to worship in that way when he doesn’t likes it, it will be more inappropriate . When one chooses to adore God through Bible, it is his. Bible is somewhat the right book where God gave to us so we would know His teachings. Indeed, they all give an equal appeal to God. But not to an extent of destroying the reputation of one with his own right.
The values I’ve learned in this topic is learning to fight for your right. Fighting the unbeatable foe is one, you should be still in your ambitions and principles in life. You are there to protect this. As long as you’re alive no one would step unto it. That is fighting on what you believe is right. I learned to be faithful no matter what others may say about my perception in praising God, I will continue it as long as it is in the right time and place. God didn’t teach us to choose what we need just to be with Him. You can show faith when you’re dedicated unto it. And most importantly, as a disciple you should be a strong believer. Lastly, I learned to be me, I don’t care what others may believe. I am contented with what God has given to me. In return, I must be willing to accept God’s trials. Being me means you love yourself. You are well adjusted to it. Life is an opportunity destroyers when you are weak, you should learn to stand and be strong.
The values I’ve learned in this poem are necessary for my total development because it helps me stand where I should belong. I survive trials, because I develop trust in the values that is inculcated to me. Learning from this means you are now a new you. With these values, I can say I will survive!
The general idea of my topic is the sense of faith. There are someone who are born to destroy us. But when you learn to defend yourself. I doubt, he will totally be a loser. All that matters most is your way of praising God. Foes are just like rats, no matter what technique they will use, they cannot enter because you guard and protect it.
The main point of my topic is closely related to the present situation of the Philippines. Philippines has two types of men. Those who are contented and those who are not. Like in the court, there are some who cares and who do not. What now when it is irritating to them but soothing to you? Well, both of these are a test of your existence.
The general result of my analysis is destruction and building the real you. Destruction means you ought to follow others decision. You did not develop your confidence to stand tall. Building means that you are right, right in a sense of defending yourself. These deck of cards are yours, the object that helps you remember the teachings of God.
Yes, God values things that look, sound, smell, taste, and feel good. But he doesn’t want as to worship them, He wants our enjoyment and gratitude to prompt us to worship Him, the creator and given of all things.
We need to take the time each day to reach God’s hand and pray, and listen for what He might say to guide us on our way.

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